1st edition summary

Hi guys,

The 1st Ultrasonic Vocalization Conference has ended 🙁 but the event was great and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

The whole day was filled with a lot (really a lot) of very interesting lectures. Lectures were followed by the Experts Discussion Panel, which perhaps we should’ve called „Experts & Audience Neurosciencientific Conversation”. And, of course, the poster session. So, I think we can all call that day a big success. Including those pretty gift bags and absolutely delicious food (seriously, not exaggerated statement).

Hereby, we want to thank you all very much for coming and becoming a part of the Ultrasonic Vocalizations Network. Major thanks to our lecturers for briliant talks. Thank you experts, thank you poster people, thank you sponsors, thank you partners and thank you Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology. Without all of you guys it would be impossible to make the most out of the 1st Ultrasonic Vocalization Conference.

We hope to see you again 😉

Now, we invite you to our facebook page for news

Please, see our photo gallery: https://ultrasonicvocalizations.net/photo-gallery/

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